
The Orchard Academy places an unwavering emphasis on partnering with our parents in our students’ educations.  In our educational “Tree Philosophy”, our parents are represented by the roots, because without them, our students’ learning simply does not take hold.  Our parents serve as the foundation for holding it all together - the ones who truly nurture the academic and interpersonal growth throughout the year. 

We’re proud of the partnerships we forge with our parents, not only through constant communication and attention to detail but also in our special parent programs, seminars and classes that we offer to make the experience of raising a child more understandable and filled with healthy choices.

Lines of communication remain open throughout the year – with someone on the other end of a phone or responding to an email in a timely and personalized manner.  Our Directors know our families and serve not only as conduits of information about a student’s educational growth but also as points of contact for questions, concerns or advice on normal child development.

A few times thorughout the year, The Orchard Academy invites you (as well as friends, family and other community members) to the next program in our special Partnership With Parents Series.  These evening programs typically feature TOA education staff members, experts in child development and other community leaders speaking on a variety of modern topics and trends.  These evenings are not “lectures” but rather interactive learning sessions meant to give tips, tricks and advice on raising children in this ever more complex world.